Sunday, 27 September 2009
Good news from Rokon

Good news from Juba
My question was:
I think and hope it is an answer to prayer. Do you? But what about the General tracking down the LRA and stopping them? I think that should be the highest priority. What do the people of South Sudan say about that?
Mike replied:
Through a joint prayer every thing will improve one by one [one thing at a time - JG]. i think it is just the start. they want to provide security in town areas then expand further .For the LRA i think it will take time because they usually come and cause problems then runs to Central African Republic whereby Sudan has no power to go and face them from another country we pray everything will be okay after some tome [time -JG].
Saturday, 12 September 2009
News from Mike and Mogga 12/9/09
I think you are really having a nice time with your sister Clare but having a hard time over there like communication problem through the Internet.
This semester I am doing Bible studies which I am really enjoying because we are really learning a lot of things from the Bible. The first week we were given an assignment about the importance of Bible studies, for which I got 18/20, so I was very excited. The computer is really helping me a lot; thank you once again for the computer.
The situation in Sudan is getting better. When Mogga came back., he told me there was rain and although most plants dried up when the rain did not come back for some time, the vegetation is now green. As for the fighting, it has been solved by the government forces and people have come together, except in the eastern part of Sudan, which is rather remote. There is frequent cattle raiding.
I didn’t tell you that Mogga has organised a workshop which he went to facilitate and every thing went okay. It was about environmental activities/care of the environment.
I wish you a good family meeting. One day if we all achieve our goal we shall do the same, since we’re all far from each other. Insecurity in other places where other brothers and sisters are staying has hindered us as a family.
Greetings to everybody over there. God bless you all,
your brother in Christ
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Beginning of first semester, year 2
I am happy to hear from you too. I am really pleased about what you are doing for me.
I expect you are happy because your daughter is with you. Please send my greetings to all of them.
About this semester: I have not sent a receipt yet, because since our university always delays giving a receipt until they prove whether your cheques has cleared. When it is out I will send it to you immediately.
Mogga (Mike's foster brother who is a student at the same university) is now in Sudan but he will be coming in one week’s time. He is doing trimesters - that is three semesters in a year; not like my course which is two semesters a year. He has a break of two weeks a semester. We pray too for our country for what is taking place over there so that things will be okay.When are you completing your Bible studies? I think it will not take many years.God bless you for every thing you do.
Your brother in Christ
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
A message from Bishop Francis

It has been a longtime since we communicated,our communication system is not yet good,however, I hope that you and the rest of our friends are doing well.
I have travelled to Uganda for some duty and soon will go back to the Sudan after 4 to 5 days.from now.
I left Yemba Soro in the Sudan and he is doing well during his vocation with relatives but soon he may come back to Nairobi as they will start their academic term.
The situation back home was well only that we lack rainfall and so crops this year will not be harvested well. Pray for the rains please!
1.Pray alsothat the political situation will go well as recently,the borders disputes was resolved by the International borders disputes committee regarding to Abeyei areas bordering the North and the South Sudan.
2.Remember also the Darfur areas as the warring factions fought between themselves and the people suffer most.
3.The forthcoming elections in the Sudan as well as the refrandum which will take place in 2011.
4.Pray for our diocese as we seek contributions to build a simple office for the Diocese of Rokon. The community have done their best by burning red bricks and collections of stones and sand, what remains are the industrial materials and support for the skill builders.
Thank you and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Kind regards,
Monday, 27 July 2009
A touching "thank you"
The wording is:
I want to thank you for STANDING by me
and HELPING me in your own way when I really NEEDED you.
I cannot state my GRATITUDE towards you.
Thank you for all that you did for me.
There were also two lovely postcards from Kenya, one from Mike, and one from his foster brother Mogga, also thanking us for supporting Mike.
I can't wait for Mike to get back to Nairobi, so that I can e-mail him our thanks! I have no way of contacting him when he is at home in Sudan, and he has been there since the last semester ended in May. There are two semesters a year: August to December, and January to May.
Friday, 29 May 2009
Six Months in Sudan
Having read, I treasure even more the photos of Kera, with its healthy children and the clean environment. Truly a miracle in the midst of what was, then, the most terrible war. I know I keep on saying, "These people have nothing." Each time I think I have finally realised fully what that means. But I never have. Always there is another landmine of truth on the path to understanding.
If your heart is open to Sudan and its people, you might like to walk the path of understanding too. One way to begin (or bravely continue) is with the eyewitnes testimony:
I know I should say a word of caution. Sudan is an enormous country: the biggest in Africa. Its geography is very varied. Perhaps we could just see Abyei as a way to begin to understand a little better that a civil war and its suffering does not finally end with the peace agreement.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Summer vacation coming up

About the 589 pounds what do you mean? The amount I am remaining with in my account or that we are to pay next semester? Sorry for the confusion on my side.
I am already planning to go to Sudan minus meeting Robin.
Greetings to every body over there and wish you a happy time. I know it will be hard to communicate to you but I will try my best I am going to miss you people because communicating to you is like living together with you all. God bless you all, your brother in Christ Mike
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
A great day out - and support for Mike Yemba

So I hope you won't mind a message from me.
On 16th May, the Winterborne and Milton Abbas Benefice will be holding its annual Valley Walk. This gives those taking part a chance to walk from Turnworth to Milton Abbas in five easy and very beautiful stages, stopping at each of the benefice churches on the way. Or you could just do one stage, or two or three - whatever you like. We finish at Milton Abbas, where a most wonderful tea is always provided in the Reading Room. As well as having a great day out in (usually) brilliant May weather - but do pray for that, if you will - we also have the opportunity to be sponsored, and to raise money for our churches and a good cause. This year, the organisers have kindly suggested that the good cause could be the support we are giving to Mike Yemba Soro.
If you would like to take part, please e-mail me at
Chris (the Diocesan Accountant) has just let me know that he has sent over £500 to Nairobi for Mike, so we have more than covered his first year's costs. Well done everybody! The next target is to raise enough money to pay the next lot of fees in August. I am expecting what will look like a steep rise in costs for us, as the British pound has been declining steadily against other currencies. So any and all contributions will be very welcome.
If anyone else would like to commit to giving by standing order, (even if only once a year - even if just a small amount) please let me know, and I can provide the appropriate form for you.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Mike Yemba's first year exam results
(Mike actually passed everything - with 2 Bs and 3 Ds.)
I am trying my best that I work harder and get the best that I can as seen from the results sent. Some of the results were not recorded due to the disappearance from the computer. The lecturers do not have a copy - that's why they were not recorded; so we (the whole class) are expecting to re- do it again so that it will be recorded. I am planning to meet Robin but I think he is too busy, so I don't know what to do because after finishing the computer course I will then plan to travel to Sudan. (This refers to Robin Bragg, who is in Kenya at the moment, and who successfully delivered a donated laptop to Mike.) I pray the plan you are laying goes successfully for the benefit of the people. May God lead you all in what you do. (This refers to the benefice's Mission Action Plan - which every parish and benefice in the Diocese is currently working on.)
God bless you all. Greetings from Mogga and the rest.
Your brother in Christ, Mike
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Prayer for peace
Father, I know that our Sudanese brothers and sisters have treasured Christ's peace in their hearts, even as the civil war raged around them. I pray that his love and peace may continue to be very real for them, as they work to build the human peace. Sometimes that peace must seem so fragile, and so threatened. I pray especially that you our mighty God will overrule everything that threatens the comprehensive peace agreement.
A word from Bishop Francis
While mama Linda is preparing to leave for the Sudan, I was grateful that she was able to communicate with you and I think it is good that Internet has made communication easier to reach each other.
Yes, indeed God has some purpose for the link with the diocese of Rokon, where we need to share prayers together and so giving us all strength that we may need in this Ministry
We also thank you for your support in sending Mike the laptop for his private use.
Thank you and may the Lord bless you all including the Rector and the Christians. Enjoy the lovely weather of UK.
Bishop Loyo.
A Beautiful Easter and a happy meeting
How was the beautiful sunny Easter? We had a beautiful sunny Easter too.We organized and met with Robin at the Airport unfortunately we did not have enough time to talk since they had organized to proceed to Nakuru. It was a pleasure to meet with a new friend and I was happy to see him. We are organizing to meet after my exams, if every thing goes well, so that we can have nice time together.I got the laptop and it is so nice that it can facilitate my activities effectively in my education. I thank you all for the special gift you have given me.Greetings to all the friends and the family members. Your brother in Christ, Mike
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Easter Greetings and good news
Mike's latest e-mail is below. I'm just adding a few lines as well to let you know that I successfully met up with Robin Bragg (from Blandford Evangelical Church) who flew to Nairobi yesterday, taking with him an excellent laptop, with all the add-ons you could possibly think of, which he hoped to be able to hand over to Mike as he (Robin) landed, and before he started on the next stage of his journey. Robin's son is spending 10/11 weeks as a teaching assistant in a school somewhere north of Nairobi, where Robin used to be the chaplain, and Robin will be undertaking some chaplaincy duties. Robin has said he would be happy to come out to talk to us about their experiences when he gets back, so I'm hoping that it may be possible to issue an invitation to him to do so. Happy Easter to you all, and thank you for your continued support and prayers,
Love, Jenny
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 06:53:22 -0700From: yemmicloyo@yahoo.comSubject: RE: Happy Easter preparationTo: jenny.galuschka@hotmail.co.uk
Dear Jenny'
Happy Easter week How are you doing over there?Thank you very much too for keeping me busy too through the e-mail. I appreciate what you are doing to me. I praise God for making things be okay on my side through you. The exam results are out and ours will be distributed soon but I do not know when, because every body is preparing for the exams. I will inform and update you and send it if it is out thank you for the patience. Greetings to every body and wish them happy Easter.your brother in Christ Mike
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Happy Easter - Prayer request- exams soon

A word of explanation
First, the computer. This is a laptop that has been kindly donated by Robin, our Rector, then checked and refurbished (if that's the right word?) by Jim McIntosh. We are hoping that Robin Bragg, who is going to Kenya shortly on behalf of Blandford Evangelical Church, will be able to take it with him to give to Mike Yemba.
Second, the photos. I'm trying to take photos of all the kind people who have supported Mike, and to send them to him, so that he gets an idea of who we all are, as well as us getting to know him.
God bless you all! Jennyxx
Sister Maria - sending a laptop - working hard
The computer will be of a great advantage and will help me in a lot of things to be done. I will be grateful if you work it out for me.
About the postal address I will confirm and send it to you soon.
I am really trying my best by working harder to achieve what I want. We always have assigments almost every weekend to keep us busy on the different units to be done.
Greetings to every body and the family members
Your brother in Christ Yemba
A visit from my sister - a photo from Marion - Mothering Sunday
We are all doing fine with Mogga and our sister who is on her long holiday after completing senior four. She has come to visit us and will be going back soon.
How was the mothering season? I wish I could be there to give you some flowers too but wish you the same for the help support and care you have given me. I wish I knew the mothering season so that I could also remember you all. May God bless that day.
I received Marion's wonderful electronic photo. How about you making a permanent copy for me some time and sending it to me please?
I will be grateful to see your photos.
Greetings to all family members
Yours brother in Christ
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Late (lost?) exam results in Nairobi
Thank you too for keeping me in contact all the time when I do write to you.
How is every body over there in the parish of Abbas? I think every body is busy as per now in different activities been carried out in the parish..
We are doing fine except in the university where every body is furious about the delay of the exam results. The administration said the results are not yet seen from the software so we are still waiting for what is next: whether to re-do the exams or to get the list of the results from the lecturers. I know my supporters are expecting the results so sorry for that but I will inform you about it if every thing goes well.
Greetings to all the family members and those supporting me.
Your brother in Christ,
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Fundraising event - can you help?
News from Nairobi 15th March 09

Dear Jenn,How are you doing over there?We are all doing fine with Mogga and my friends although there was some violence in the city. Our university is around 12 km from the city, so we are not much affected by the violence taking place. We are safe; don't worry about us.
Friday, 13 March 2009
What's Juba like?
Latest from Mike

Our friend - Mike not Mark + Mama Linda's travels
Thank you so much and accept my apologies for not responding to your email prompt. However, I am now in Juba since yesterday and will travel after a few days to Rokon. Many greetings from home in Rokon.
Yes, you are right and I think the right name for Yemba is Michael or Mike Yemba Soro. The other Mark is not real one as all his papers are carrying Michael Yemba Soro.
Mama Linda is in Nairobi visiting those of our children there and she will be back soon to Kampala to visit other children too. Later on she will join us in the diocese.
Jenny, the only connection with us is through prayers Link and hopefully one day we will be together.
Thank you for your continuous support for Michael Yemba Soro.
God bless,
Bishop Loyo.
Monday, 2 March 2009
News from Sudan

Bishop Francis' latest e-mail reads as follows:
Dear Jenny,
It is a long time since we communicated.
Yes, I have been engaged so much in church work in the diocese and difficult to connect because of lack of communication , - no internet services in my place.
However, most of the programmes are done except that some confirmation and the synod will soon come. At the moment am in Kampala for some few days and will go back to the Sudan.
Some two weeks ago there was convention in our diocese organised by the Mothers Union in the diocese where it brought all people from the diocese and its neighbouring dioceses .It was very challenging indeed and many still turned to Christ that was in the end of Jan,09.
And by the 12th Feb,09 we have retreat organised by the ECS Province ,where we were blessed with the two Archbishops to carry us along with the retreat for a week. Archbishop George Cary as well as Archbishop Orombi of the Church of Uganda and other Bishops from USA.
I have read the correspondences from Mike Yemba of the support for his upkeep has not yet reached although you told him that you have already sent. You have to cross check with the CMS-Nairobi with Omukuba Wycliffe whether the support money has arrived with them.
This is to assure you of our thoughts and prayers to you all.
This comes with much appreciations and thanks,
+Francis Loyo.
News from Nairobi

Friday, 27 February 2009
Such a gracious God!

Friday, 20 February 2009
E-mail from Bishop Francis Loyo 20-02-09

Many thanks for your continuous concerns in the education of Yemba and we valued your supporting spirit and kindness.
Please you are not alone in this venture but we are remembering you and all friends who have given you this support. We pray for you and we assure you of our full support.
At the moment am in Juba where I can access the internet and will go back to our diocese today and will proceed to Kampala for some work.
We have just finished our Bishops and wives retreat and last 3 weeks we had a big convention organised by the Mothers Union to at least bring us together. Thousands of people gathered and prayed for the lasting peace in the country wide.
Be blessed,
+Francis Loyo.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Crisis in support for a Sudanese student

Mark Yemba Soro was born in south Sudan in 1988,and orphaned at the age of 6. When Mark was offered a place at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Bishop Francis Loyo of Rokon Diocese asked for support to meet Mark’s university fees and living expenses.
Individuals and parishes in the Deanery responded magnificently, and have met the first term’s fees and living expenses. Now, at the start of the second term, there is an urgent need to raise our level of giving. The falling pound has resulted in a 10% fall in the value of every pound we send. Meanwhile, Kenya also faces economic crisis, resulting in inflation and higher fees. The combined effect of these two changes has been to increase this term’s fees from £648 to £768. The extra cost to Mark has deprived him of some of the money he needed to live on.
At present, we therefore need an estimated £374 per month.
Dear heavenly Father, Please show me how to respond to what, in human terms, is a crisis. May I find the proper balance between doing all that you have equipped and called me to do, and putting my trust in you.
I pray especially that Mark may not suffer hardship because of our own national economic crisis, and feelings of insecurity. Help us, Lord, to keep a sense of proportion.
I pray also that you would bless Mark's studies, for his sake, as one of your little ones with no other support but you; as a member of a nation that sorely needs his love, his courage and his skills, and as an individual with a human right to develop to his maximum potential.
Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayers. Amen
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Supporting a Sudanese student through university

Mark Yemba Soro is a twenty-year old orphan from the Diocese of Rokon, in South Sudan. He was orphaned during the long Sudanese civil war at the age of six. He and his sisters found shelter and support with Bishop Francis Loyo and his wife, Mama Linda.
They were deeply impressed by the strong Christian faith which Mark's parents had passed on to their children, and also by Mark's hard work and dedication to his education. Seeing his potential, they sacrificially funded his secondary education in Uganda (South Sudan had no secondary schools at that time), and Mark gained the local equivalent of our "A" Levels. Mark was offered a place at university in Kenya.
At this point, Bishop Francis contacted a friend in the Blandford and Milton Deanery, and asked for urgent prayer for Mark, saying that he desperately needed support.
Bishop Francis and Mama Linda were quite unable to go on funding Mark's education, and they were just praying that God would take care of it. The people of the Deanery responded immediately, and have so far funded fees and living expenses for one of two semesters in the first year, and the fees for the second semester.
Dear God, please help me to continue to be radically dependent on you, but also wise enough to respond when you show me that there is something I can and should do. Please don't let Mark's education falter now, for lack of support..