Friday, 29 May 2009

Six Months in Sudan

I have been knocked out. First there was the generosity of the friend, who dropped "Six Months in Sudan" through my door, with the most kindly note. Secondly there was the book itself.

Having read, I treasure even more the photos of Kera, with its healthy children and the clean environment. Truly a miracle in the midst of what was, then, the most terrible war. I know I keep on saying, "These people have nothing." Each time I think I have finally realised fully what that means. But I never have. Always there is another landmine of truth on the path to understanding.

If your heart is open to Sudan and its people, you might like to walk the path of understanding too. One way to begin (or bravely continue) is with the eyewitnes testimony:

I know I should say a word of caution. Sudan is an enormous country: the biggest in Africa. Its geography is very varied. Perhaps we could just see Abyei as a way to begin to understand a little better that a civil war and its suffering does not finally end with the peace agreement.

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