Tonight Christians remember the Passover meal that was the last meal that Jesus shared with his friends.
Some of us prepare a plate like the Jewish Seder plate, with a lamb shank bone, to remind us of the sacrificial lamb - we believe that for us the lamb is the Lamb of God, whose sacrifice is enough to take away the sins of the whole world. Therefore the angel of death passes over us, as he passed over and spared the Jewish people on their last night in Egypt. Then there is the salt water, which reminds us both of the bitter tears that the Jews wept in their bondage in Egypt, and also that we wept when we recognised our bondage to sin. The bitter herbs remind the Jews that life at first seemed sweet with the Egyptians, but later became bitter. So it was with us and sin. We have the unleavened bread, which reminds us of the Jews preparing in haste to flee into the desert, but also of the body which the Messiah allowed to be wounded with the stripes of flogging, and nailed to a cross despite being still unleavened by sin. The Charoset reminds us of the mortar for the pyramids and palaces which the Jews built for the Egyptians, and also of the fact that, through the Holy Spirit, we are built into one body, the Church. The roasted egg is a symbol of mourning for the temple that was destroyed. Christians remember especially the body of the Messiah, that appeared to be destroyed by death on the Cross. On Easter Sunday we will smash the eggs and proclaim that the tomb could not hold him, for he is risen. Hallelujah!
Finally,our practice with the Elijah cup proclaims that the Messiah has already come, for he took this cup after the supper and said, "This is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me."
My prayer for today is for the love of Jesus Christ to become real and personal for every single person who needs forgiveness and peace with God.
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