Tuesday 4 March 2008


Day 23 of Prayer for the voiceless asks for prayer for Africa. Paul and Susi Childers ask for prayer for the problems of AIDS, low life expectancy, lack of education and sex trafficking.

Lord, hear our prayer that you would help Africa's people and governments to address these problems.

Hear our prayer also for:
* Zimbabwe's elections this month to be free and fair, and to lead to real change which will benfit all Zimbabwe's people

*Kenya's tribal conflict to be resolved peacefully

*Sudan's peace process continue to build unity, justice and right relationships. May the new Archbishop be able to give a strong and inspiring lead to the whole country as Sudan recovers from long years of civil war.

* The UN forces in Darfur to receive more support, and to bring peace and reconstruction to the area, and safety to all its people.

*Somalia's Christians to be protected from persecution.

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