Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Good surprises

I was doing some reading for my latest assignment today when a number of lines of thought all came together into a new vision for the local Youth Church. Thank you, Lord!

Then this evening the three current leaders had a lovely evening meal and prayer and feedback time with one of our mentors, and came away much encouraged. Thank you again, Lord.

THe other exciting thing that happened was that I started playing no less than 3 games of Scrabble all at once (thanks to facebook). Since my last Scrabble partner dies some years ago, I've only had one game, so this was just sheer bliss!

My prayer today is for all Christian youth work, that you will show us, Lord, how to be as much fun as Jesus was, while also conveying your truths in interesting ways, as Jesus did. Father, I know for sure that your heart is always with our children and young people, and yet the Church itself always seems so unable to be attractive, welcoming and inspiring for them. Please Lord help all Christians to turn this situation around, not just through a few youth pastors, but through the involvement and commitment of the whole Body of Christ.

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