Tuesday, 1 April 2008

A lovely day

I had such a lovely day today, with a happy walk with my doggy friend, some time in my garden and my first visit to the puppy-training class.

I let the big pup off the lead today for the first time, and it was wonderful to see him run and play and enjoy himself. He did come back most times I called him - eventually!

My plans for the back garden are starting to come together and it was a special pleasure when the estate agent said, "The gardens sell these houses."

Puppy training was brilliant! I did a successful "Sit and stay" and a successful "Stay and come" with the big puppy.

All of this has made me turn back to the theme of "theological reflection" to see where God is in all this. Somehow I keep coming back to the theme of liberation and a growing conviction that God wants us not only to be free , but to be active participants in our own liberation. How I arrived at these thoughts would take too long to tell but I want to pray for everybody who feels trapped, enslaved,shackled,confined, held down, held back, helpless,hampered or impeded. Lord Jesus, your mission was to set the captives free, and I pray that you would enable each one of us not only to be free, but to walk in and trust that freedom as a gift of your free grace.


gillie said...

Hi Jen, It's gillian from Norfolk. Have now set up my own account so should be able to contribute to yours via 'comments'. Agree with your burden to pray for all those longing to be free. Have felt Zimabwe especially on my heart last few days. Let's pray for a new freedom and justice and prosperity in every sense for those eople and that beautiful country. Also continue to pray for our new benefice, that we might be able to appoint the right minister to lead it and empower us to enable God's kingdom to grow. Someone may be appointed itimminently, according to rumours, a retired priest for three days a week, but we await firm news.
love to you and Sand

gillie said...

Hi Jen again.
Did you get my last comment? Still feel a big burden to pray for Zimbabwe - that's God's Kingdom will come in that land - particularly at this time for a peaceful transfer of power to those who can govern wisely and justly.
Keeping you and Sand in my prayers,