Saturday, 29 December 2007


Trafficking is the modern version of the slave trade. Instead of picking cotton, most trafficked human beings nowadays are conned and coerced into the sex industry. 120,000 women and children are trafficked into Western Europe every year. Many of these are bought and sold into forced prostitution, beaten, imprisoned, raped and sometimes killed.

Lord, for everyone who is taken against their will to somewhere they don't want to be, who is forced into labour that is not of their choosing, I pray for your command to be honoured:

Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice and let the oppressed go free. (Isaiah 58:6)
As you used the evil done to Joseph for the good of many, and set Joseph in a place of honour, I pray you would lift your mighty arm to save the slaves of today and bring them to a better destiny.

A relevant web page is:

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