Saturday, 20 October 2007

The "Chosen" women

It's Saturday 20th October and 2,500 women from all over the south of England are gathering at Bournemouth International Centre for a conference called "Chosen". For some, like me, the attraction is wonderful speakers, who I know will inspire and motivate me. For others, it's a chance to be resourced and empowered in their work with and for women. For at least one group, it's the ultimate Christian hen party.

What a thrill to hear Michelle Guinness, Debra Green and J John speaking words from God's heart for women! What cheered me especially was the thought that at last the charismatic evangelicals have grown to maturity, and can no longer be accused of being a "bless me" club. This conference was not about the feel-good factor in Christianity - although it did feel good - it was about being chosen for a purpose, and not our own purpose, but God's purpose.

Since those of us on this Learning for Discipleship course are just coming up to the first assignment, which is on prayer, it was particularly helpful that Debra majored on prayer and it was an important part too of what J John had to say. (Thank you, Lord!)

I came away with a slim book called "A Voice for the Voiceless", which is a resource for thirty days of prayer addressing gender injustice. It is a call to both prayer and action.

Day 1's prayer is that God will arise and defend the little ones who are kidnapped or sold into child prostitution; that he will raise up people in every country who will recognise and have the skills to publicise the horrible crime committed against these children, that he will empower governments to act against it, that he will bring an end to this savage exploitation. Amen to that, Lord.

The web references from the book are:

The world is changed, one heart at a time. Let the next heart be yours. Say AMEN to today's prayer.

Day 1's action is "Make a short presentation on the prevalence of child prostitution and how your government could take action. Share this in your church, work place, and circle of influence." This blog entry tries to answer part of that challenge to action. What action do we want our government to take? What would make a difference? I don't honestly know. Any ideas welcome!

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