You’ve purchased whatever you need to be ready to meet orders when they come in. But they don’t come in.
What do you do next?
You’ve got rent to pay, bills to meet, mouths to feed. If you’ve got any get-up-and-go, I guess you’ll get out there and tell people directly about your product or service.
That’s exactly what “A Gypsie’s wife” thought, and she described the cold, wet, chilling experience it can be better than I ever could. Please note her "good practice guide"!
"So you knock on a door; stand well back, smile and with a ‘sorry to disturb you’ ask for the work. Don’t push: point out the job and ask if they’d like a quote.
If they say no; back off, politely.
If they display a notice telling you not to call; then don’t. "Please note also that she knows the need to allow a "cooling-off" period for the customer that says yes right away.
I was reminded of her blog recently after I’d got my own
business online, tweeted and facebooked the news, and written to potential
contacts. For me, the next step may be
sending a few more e-mails, writing some letters, making phone calls, but at
some point, I’m going to have to go out there and meet people. Not an easy thing to do!
As I’ve done electoral roll canvassing for the District
Council, I know how many doors have “No hawkers” prominently displayed, and how
careful you have to be not to make people feel threatened. Also, they’re sure to unload onto you all
their feelings about any bad experiences they’ve had in the past, so you need
endless tact and a tough hide!
Looking at it from the other side, I hate people
cold-calling me. So what’s the answer?
All I can suggest is that we always try to remember that the
other person, whichever side of the desk or door they may be, is only human
like you, and good manners, even in saying “No” cost you nothing. Or you could say, “Leave me some details, and
let me think about it.”
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