Still looking for ways to change the world, and I promise I will write about a great book tomorrow. But for today, here is someone doing her bit to change "tolerance" to "acceptance",

Oh, how I wish we were even at tolerance for Travelling people! But we're not, are we? Have a look at this picture. What does it say to you?
The web page it came from is a wonderful example of a Council being both as negative as it dares about Travellers - to stay within the Race Relations Act, and to appeal to the prejudices of its voters - and as positive as it dares to be about Travellers' rights, so that it can explain any small modicum of humanity in the way Travellers are treated. There is not one word of any reason why local people might be glad to see Travellers spending some time in their locality. Can you just imagine how they would be pilloried if they said any such thing?
But equally, can you imagine the outcry if any other ethnic group were treated with such open hatred and prejudice?
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