Friday, 6 April 2012

Easter greeings

Dear Jenny,

Happy Easter to you all.
What are the preparations for the Easter over there? Last time you told me the Donkey was ill and there was a problem in the procession and celebration.  We pray for a happy Easter to you all. We are due an Easter break too for the celebration over here in Nairobi,

I am getting better and can sit on a chair for some time, It was the same haemorrhoids that I was operated on for before, so Ii hope and hope they won't trouble me again. Thank you for the fund sent for the treatment i hope you got my mail and attached receipts that I sent. God bless you all. I am preparing for exams on a few units since our timetable is out and we are to start next week.  I pray all goes well on your side and my side so that I can complete successfully.

I understand is is not easy to raise funds for the remaining trimester or semester that you are preparing for. I will wait patiently for all that you have planned for me ahead. Below is a summary  of my budget for the units and expenses in the next trimester. In case of hardship in raising funds you can send little by little. I will appreciate.  Thank you, THANK YOU,
 with Love



Tuition fee (4 units @ 13500 each)                  54,000  (£416)

Monthly Expenses.

Rent and bills(8000+1000)                            9,000
Transport (120 daily)                                    3,360
Books and stationary                                   2,500
Feeding(lunch and super)                             10,000
House shopping equipments                         4,000
Shopping and Dressing                                4,000
TOTAL                                                      32,860 (£253)
x 6 =                                                                   £1518

Total cost £1934

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