Tuesday, 20 March 2012

After surgery

Dear Jenny..just woke up after going through the surgery and had a deep rest. it's the pain that am going through now but pray it will end soon as i take my drugs. will get some time and write to you a mail when i get better. thank you for the care and concern God bless you.


i just had a check up with the doctor and he told mi the swelling is due to the hair purse within the operated region which led to accumulation of purse hence there is a chance of it increasing if not delt with so soon. he said it needs a minor surgery as a solution am just so scared after goin thro all that again. he said its not an expensive surgery only 20,000ksh which i can get from my savings. my greatest worry is that i have missed lectures for a week and am going to miss again for another one week i really dont know what to do. always praying for miracle to happen.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Please pray for healing

  • Hello Jenny, how are you doing? Long time not heard from you. I have been down for almost a week after having complications in the area that was operated i have not been going to school as i take treatment from the house that's why I couldn't go and send a mail due to the deep pain please accept this i pray i gt better so that i can send you a mail and go to school. Hi to my friends over there. with love Mike

    Mike really can't afford to be ill in this, his last semester.  He has a project and exams to complete.  The operation he refers to was for haemorrhoids.  Poor chap! - JG